Oriental Pearl TV Tower

The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is a landmark in Shanghai, and almost every visitor to Shanghai will come here to have a visit. It is awesome to reach the 279-meter two-story ball and overlook the most beautiful bends that Huangpu Road has crossed. The Shanghai Exhibition Hall on the second floor tells about the changes in modern Shanghai and is very helpful in understanding Shanghai’s past.

The 259m transparent observatory allows you to walk in the 360-degree transparent glass sightseeing gallery.

When you stand on the glass ring corridor which is 259 meters high, 150 meters circumference and 2.1 meters wide in the Oriental Pearl, although each square meter can withstand the weight of more than 2 tons, you can’t help but be scared when you step on the transparent glass to look at the constant flow of traffic at the bottom and view the vast Huangpu River which is not far away. Whether you look down on the soles of your feet or look at the entire city, you can’t help but experience an unprecedented sense of reality!

The 78m “Updating City” dynamic ring multimedia show can showcase the city life of Shanghai in the next 70 years in a multi-division of 240 degrees. It is the vision of the Oriental Pearl for the harmonious relationship between man and nature in the city of Shanghai in the next 70 years.

The 95m VR roller coaster let everyone scream and fly together, and pass through Lujiazui together.

On September 16, 2016, the 95m VR roller coaster of the Oriental Pearl was officially opened to the public. The indoor VR roller coaster, with the theme of flying over Shanghai Intercity High Altitude, transforms the original indoor roller coaster of the Oriental Pearl Tower into the popular VR (Virtual Reality) technology, which has broken through the limitations of traditional roller coaster vision and senses, opened the VR intercity high-altitude adventure new era which is more exciting and shocking and interesting.

Shanghai World Financial Center

The most worthwhile reason to visit the Shanghai World Financial Center is that it is free of charge during your birthday. You can bring your ID card on your birthday to view the scenery during the daytime in this year, then view the night scene at the next year, which will be very interesting. And when you go there, you can also walk along with Lujiazui to enjoy yourself during your trip in Shanghai. In addition, when taking the elevator of the Shanghai World Financial Center, the staff will tell you that it reaches the 94th floor in 66 seconds, but you will feel like just taking 30 second as it is really fast.

The high-speed elevator is a “LED light and shadow art work” which was designed by Japanese multimedia artist Toshio IWAI for the sightseeing hall. It is 66 seconds straightly to arrive the 94th floor, and the light and shadow are perfectly combined. The beating LED number on the ceiling of the elevator waiting area shows the height of the elevator.

There is also a souvenir shop and an air coffee bar in the Shanghai World Financial Center, as well as services such as taking commemorative photos of climbing, printing the sound star cards, etc., to accompany you to have the good times.

The Global Knowledge Gallery on the 97th floor of the Shanghai World Financial Center showcases some of the little-known figures in the building process, which are entertaining and impressive. (The content displayed during the exhibition will change)

The Shanghai Gate Pavilion on the B1 floor presents Shanghai’s rapidly developing urban landscape in an advanced multimedia interactive format, with the most exquisite and realistic city model in the world.

The World Intangible Cultural Heritage Building’s special Longquan celadon pendant is one of the must-have items. Welcome to buy a gift package and take the beautiful scenery of the Shanghai World Financial Center back home.

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center covers an area of over 20,000 square meters. In the exhibition area of more than 7,000 square meters, the city’s urban planning and construction achievements of Shanghai City are fully demonstrated, and the theme of “city, people, environment and development” is fully expressed, and it is praised by the public as “the window of the city”. A large number of high-tech means are used in the Exhibition Center to fully display the blueprint for the future of Shanghai from now to the year of 2020. The entire planning Exhibition Center is highly professional, informative, interesting and artistic, and it is integrating history and the future together, to give people unlimited imagination. The majestic momentum, the large-scale exhibition style, and the modern first-class high-tech display means vividly demonstrate the vicissitudes of Shanghai, showing Shanghai’s beautiful today and a bright future.

The theme of the Exhibition Center is “City, People, Environment, Development”, which fully displays Shanghai’s “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”. The Exhibition Center has an urban model that is reduced by 500 times according to the actual area of Shanghai, which shows a nostalgic Shanghai old style in the 1930s, and a future urban landscape of Shanghai by using high-tech means such as virtual reality and phantom imaging.

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center is the condensed sorrow of Shanghai for centuries. It is a window and guide for visiting Shanghai. It is a grand blueprint for looking forward to Shanghai’s beautiful tomorrow. This is a particularly good attraction, from the history of Shanghai to the present development, all are very detailed. And there is a panoramic interactive experience, and many novel exhibition methods, such as removable photo display and flip-cut huge books and some multimedia games. In short, it is worth visiting that is very suitable for family tour as it can be very helpful your gaining understanding for your kids.

West Sea Grand Canyon

It is said that half of Huangshan’s ticket fee belongs to that of the West Sea Grand Canyon. That is to say, if you don’t go to the West Sea Grand Canyon, you are already losing half of it. The West Sea Grand Canyon has two entrances: one is to enter from the Paiyun Pavilion, and it takes about two hours to reach the bottom of the canyon; the other is to enter from Buxian Bridge and it takes three or four hours to reach the bottom of the canyon. In addition, you can also take the subway tram up and down the canyon, one way 100 yuan. Most people will choose to enter from the Paiyun Pavilion. Those who are physically fit can walk to the bottom of the canyon and then go up by car. If you don’t want to waste money, you can return to the original position after you have finished the first ring view. There is no need to go to the bottom. Because the scenery below is almost the same, you have basically view it after finishing the first ring.

The West Sea Grand Canyon is one of the most thrilling and beautiful canyons among the Huangshan Mountains. There are many mountain roads. It is recommended that you give priority to taking the cable car up. Of course, if you are willing, you can choose to climb up step by step. The scenery here is really amazing. Please be sure to go there and feel the wonders of nature. The biggest feature of the West Sea Grand Canyon is to see the various strange stones on the edge of the canyon. However, due to the topographical structure, more than two-thirds of the year is foggy in the canyon. Even if you encounter foggy weather, you can still faintly see the magnificent scenery in the canyon.

At different times, the scenery of the West Sea Grand Canyon is different. If there are few tourists, the ropeway does not need to be lined up. You can adjust the route according to your physical strength. The scenery of the West Sea Grand Canyon is superb, which is like the love song of the West Sea, and it is like a dream! It is a must-see attraction for the Yellow Mountains.

Xidi Ancient Village

Xidi, a village in southern Anhui, is a typical Huizhou ancient village. The preservation is still very complete. There are still many people living in it now. The scenic spot is not big, there is a special tour guide at the entrance, which gives people a good feeling, and it is free of charge to listen to the instruction of the scenic spot. The cultural elements of each building are well worth listening to.

Xidi, which is more than ten kilometers away from Hongcun, is another world cultural heritage of the ancient village of Anhui. After going to Hongcun Ancient Village, you can visit to Xidi village which is surrounded by the mountains. Xidi and Hongcun Village are the world’s cultural heritage. They are the two most representative ancient villages in the southern part of Anhui. They are surrounded by idyllic scenery, and they are featuring the well-preserved village forms, exquisite craftsmanship and rich historical and cultural connotations. And they are all famous attractions. For Xidi Village, you can mainly view its architecture; but for Hongcun Ancient Village, you can mainly enjoy the scenery of water there. Some people feel that Hongcun is beautiful, there is a kind of simple beauty, which is quietly flowing the ancient culture with spirituality. But there are also many people who prefer to visit the Xidi Ancient Village.

The price of snacks which are sold in the scenic spot is acceptable. The overall feeling of commercial atmosphere is not particularly strong. It is worthwhile to visit it is you like the Huizhou residential buildings.

The architecture of the Hui School is beautiful and worthy of careful viewing. Especially in the misty rain, the clear stone road cannot help but think of the rain lane, and there is a beautiful sense of sight. The old houses here are full of stories. When you slowly taste, and understanding its history is one of the fun. In addition, the ship in Xidi Ancient Village is a long, and it is very stop-and-go. And you will enjoy taking photos in the alley in Xidi Ancient Town.

Hongcun Ancient Village

Hongcun Ancient Village is located in the village of Anhui Province and the ancient Huizhou area. Hongcun is the most famous place and a place of world cultural heritage. From the bus station next to Huangshan North Station, you can take the bus with a fare of 30 yuan and go straight to the west gate of Hongcun Ancient Village. Entering the scenic spot from the west gate, you can walk to the southeast entrance of Hongcun Scenic Area. There, there will be an interpreter who introduces Hongcun for tourists free of charge every day, and you can follow the tour guide to take a trip to the village and listen to the historical allusions and customs of Hongcun Ancient Village. Then you will have more understanding of Huizhou culture. The whole process of the introduction will be about 1 hour. After listening to it, you can walk around the village to explore the charm there. Huizhou is a village with water.

The layout of the canal is shaped like a cow intestine, which is ingenious, and Nanhu and Moon Marsh are also places where many photographers gather. In the village, The Huizhou residential buildings can be seen everywhere. At night, several commercial streets near the Moon Marsh are also very lively.

Hongcun has a strong business atmosphere, but after all, it is convenient for tourists to eat, drink and live. Hongcun Ancient Village is named after the water system, and Nanhu and Moon Marsh are the places that must be visited. If you want to discover the beauty of Hongcun, it is recommended to stay for a day or two days, use the morning and evening time to avoid the noisy crowd, then walk quietly on the stone road, you will find that time is still, as if you are crossing. And your mood will be beautiful. It is rare to find a time to forget all the secular. Hope that Hongcun people can continue to preserve the customs and simplicity of Huizhou people.

Luhuitou Park

Luhuitou Park is located in Luhuitou Peninsula, southwest of Sanya. The park is surrounded by the sea on three sides and adjacent to Sanya City. It is the commanding height of the viewing the sea and watching the sunrise and sunset. It is also a good place to overlook the panoramic view of Sanya. Luhuitou Park is famous for its deer sculptures. Standing in the Luhuitou Park, you can see the East Island and West Island on the South China Sea. The location of Luhuitou is a theme park with equal love culture and ecological display. The main attractions include Shunfengtai, Luyuan, slide, Ziqidonglai, Love Culture Park, Lizu song and dance performance, Luhuitou sculpture, Peak Garden, Beiting viewing platform etc., is also the core area of the Sanya urban forest vegetation nature reserve. It is an evergreen tropical rainforest ecological type with abundant plant species and many endemic species of national and Hainan provinces.

Luhuitou Park has a beautiful love story of Hainan Li nationality: a handsome young Li hunter in ancient times, with a red towel on his head, held a bow and arrow, crossed the ninety-nine mountains from Wuzhishan, crossed the ninety-nine rivers, to chase a deer came to the shore of the South China Sea. Under the cliffs in front, there is no way to go, the deer suddenly stopped, stood on the cliff and looked back, the deer’s eyes were clear and beautiful, bright and emotional, the young hunter put down his bow and arrow. Suddenly the fire flashed, the smoke vacated, and the deer turned back into a beautiful Li girl, who loved each other and got married and settled down. Then the park is called the Luhuitou Park.

Luhuitou Park is a classic downtown attraction from where you can overloo Sanya. There are more monkeys on the mountain, and the security guard will remind and help to drive the monkey. You can walk up without taking a sightseeing bus all the way, and the scenery is beautiful.

Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone in Sanya

When you come to Sanya, wherever you believe god or not, you must take a visit of the Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone in Sanya. The 108-meter three-faced goddess of mercy is very shocking. The Nanhai sea goddess of mercy is also worthy your visit. The scenic spot is very big. You can easily travel all around there by buying tickets of the spot and sightseeing car tickets. And you will get the ticket code very fast. It is very easy to pick up the ticket at the entrance. It is not necessary to queue up and it is highly recommended you to try the online ticket purchase.

The sea goddess of mercy is super shocking, very high, and it is very spectacular. Many people come to visit it and the surrounding scenery is not bad. It is the world’s largest statue of the Goddess of Mercy, which is 30 stories high (108 meters, 2,600 tons), it is really super beautiful. It is the place where the Buddha believes must go, and it is the most luxurious ritual Buddha you may have ever seen. A lot of people’s posts are neatly placed in the box and it really looks spectacular.

Nanshan is the southernmost mountain in China with a forest coverage rate of 97%. It is a famous Buddhist mountain resort in China and a national 5A tourist attraction. There are ordinary sightseeing cars in the scenic spot, which takes 30 yuan per person, and they will stop at each attraction from the starting point to the end point for you to view the entire South Mountain Scenic Area. The first stop is the 108-meter sea goddess of mercy. It is the world’s first statue of Golden jade statue of avalokitesvara bodhisattva and the treasure of Hainan. By worshipping sea goddess of mercy, you can have lunch at the vegetarian restaurant in the scenic area, which is also the Nanshan food culture.

Wuzhizhou Tourism Zone

Wuzhizhou Tourism Zone is known as Love Island, and it is also a holy place for diving. The visibility of sea water is 6~27 meters. Aquatic products are also rich and beautiful. The whole attraction is full of smoke and you will see so many captivating scenery there. And there is also a beautiful story in it, a legend that made this magical island. In fact, in Sanya, wherever you go, it is a tropical coastline.

Wuzhizhou Tourism Zone is like a small tropical forest. The coverage of trees is extremely high. Even in the big sun, there is no sun in the woods. Every island has the highest point. All the way up, you will come to Sun Rock, which is located on the southeast cliff of Wuzhizhou Island. Standing on the rock by the sea, overlooking the whole island, you will feel that the vast South China Sea has a panoramic view. The color of the sea is extremely rich, changing from the blue to the green, and there are many minerals on the seabed. The beaches of Wuzhizhou Island are among the top beaches in Sanya. The sea is also very beautiful, with a rich color gradient, and it does not belong to the sea of ​​Phuket. Seeing such beautiful sea water, you will surely feel very happy.

Wuzhizhou Tourism Zone like Maldives, where many people yearn for and look forward to, every corner has released the romantic breath; and it features the delicate white sand; sea water from bright to green to light blue; beachside tropical trees etc. There are also sunshine, beaches, sea water, coconut groves, green plants, and sea projects that make up a beautiful and romantic picture. Everything on the island is crystal clear; the blue sea and the waves are clean. Wuzhizhou Island has more than 2,000 species of plants. And there are many precious tree species, such as the dragon tree, and there are many rare plant phenomena.

Yalong Bay Tourism Zone

For the Yalong Bay Tourism Zone, different people have different ways of playing there. In general, leisure trips to Yalong Bay can be played in the following ways:

First, pure eyes to look at the scenic sightseeing. Yalong Bay’s beaches and sea waters are masterpieces of nature. Walking on the shores of Yalong Bay, you will feel the sand is soft and delicate, and the quality is superior. The sea water is green and blue, like a gem inlaid on the beautiful land of Sanya. Even a simple walk in Yalong Bay, or a wading in the shallows, is a great way to relax.

Second, swimming offshore. The water in Yalong Bay is extremely visible and clear. The sea water is crystal-clear, the water temperature in the bay is often above 23 degrees, and the sun is shining all year round. It is a natural bathing beach. This kind of activity is suitable for the whole family, regardless of the young and the old, they can play in the safe area of the sea, enjoy the pleasure of the waves and the comfort of swimming.

Third, in addition to the best bathing beaches, Yalong Bay has strange stones, strange beaches and rural scenery, which constitute a unique landscape. Jinmujiao, Yalongjiao, surf, cliffs, and rock formations are good places for climbing adventures. There are 5 islands in the bay, with the wild boar island as the center, Dongzhou Island and Xizhou Island in the south, and the Dongpai Island and Xipai Island in the west, you can carry out a variety of water sports.

Fourth, the forest park and the underwater world. In the tourist area of Yalong Bay, there are Yalong Bay Forest Park and Underwater World. The forest park here is famous for its tropical plants. Visitors can enjoy many rare and exotic plants that are not seen in the interior. The underwater world has no big difference with other underwater worlds.