The Summer Palace

Located in the western suburbs of Beijing, the Summer Palace ranks the top 1 among the Chinese classical gardens. It was listed on the World Heritage List on December 2, 1998.

It is composed of Wanshou Mountain and Kunming Lake. The whole park is surrounded by the peaks of Xishan Mountain. The buildings are integrated with the mountains and lakes, and the scenery is endlessly fluctuating. The whole park is divided into three areas: the political activity area centered on Renshou Temple; the empress living area with Hall of Jade Ripples and Hall of Happiness and Longevity as the main body; and the scenic tourist area composed of Wanshou Mountain and Kunming Lake.

Official telephone number of The Summer Palace: 010-62881144.

Reference for time needed: more than 3 hours.

How to go to The Summer Palace:

Arrived at the west palace gate: Take No. 469 and No.539, get off at The Summer Palace West Station.

Arrived at the north palace gate: Take the subway No. 4 line, get off at D exit of north palace gate, or take 303, 330, 331, 346, 375, 384, 563, 601, 608, 683, 696, 697, 718, special No.5, special No.10 bus and get off at the North Palace Gate Station of the Summer Palace.

Arrive at east palace gate: Take the subway Line 4 and get off at C2 of Xiyuan Station Exit, or take the 209, 330, 331, 332, 346, 394, 601, 608, 626, 683, 690, 696, 718 bus to the Summer Palace Station.

Arrive at the new palace Gate: take the 74, 374, 437, 952 bus and get off at the new palace gate Station of the Summer Palace.


Tickets from April 1st to October 31st during Monday to Sunday: 30 RMB for normal ticket, 60 RMB for garden and garden within garden;

Tickets from November 1st to October 31st during Monday to Sunday: 20 RMB for normal ticket, 50 RMB for garden and garden within garden;

Opening hours:

From April 1st to October 31st during Monday to Sunday: 06:30 a.m.-18:00 p.m.

From November 1st to October 31st during Monday to Sunday: 07:00 a.m.-17:00 p.m.


You need to buy tickets for garden with garden: 5 RMB/person for Garden of Harmonious Virtue, 10 RMB/person for Pavilion of the Fragrance of Buddha, 20 RMB/person for Wenchang center.

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